Hi Jul...
Welcome back here to the CP forum. Feel free to visit us anytime.... I'm glad you found your way here.
I'm sorry you are suffering from so much. I've got so much of my own going on as well, so I can completely empathize.
And the whole medication thing is tiring to think about
. So - let me say what I *hear* you saying......
Bottomline - you need something stronger for pain - primarily for the fall/winter months when it's colder and you have increased pain (which is a completely legit thing... many of us have this).
Could you explain this exact situation to your PCP.... and have him treat ALL of your med - from a stronger narcotic, the celexa, neurontin and soma? Do you think he would do that? That might be the easiest thing to do - as it would all be under one doctor, etc.
Second best options - is to talk to the PCP about
taking over the narcotic portion - saying you need something stronger to cover those months - but the Rheumy will continue script
ing the others. I would just something in writing though (just to CYA) - saying that the Rheumy is stopping the Vicodin script
s for now and understands the PCP will p/u with the narcotic script
And.... very last thought.... have you ever considered see a Pain Management doctor. I get ALL of these drugs from my PM doc. 3 different narcotics, muscle relaxer, nerve medication, lidocaine patches, injections when needed.... I'm about
to get botox injections, etc.
I'm sorry you are falling apart mentally and physically.... let's hope we can all figure out how to help you feel better
Take care.... --Tina