Hi Shell I have been reading all the post, I have a problem with low neutrophils often near the being neutr
openic, and high Lymphocyte, It was back in 2000 when I was first having problems with feeling tiredd and run down, it was right at the time I herniated my disk at T-12 and I was put on short term disability, anyway they did the CBC with the whited cell diff and at that time I was border line neutr
openic, they they did all the Epstein Bar panel, and they told me I had Mono, I questioned it, as to how I could have gotten it, anyway as time went on, my blood count did not change and go back to normal, so they did the bone marrow bi-op and the good new was it was normal but the bad new was my neutrophils was still low. Fast forward to now, my neutrophils are higher but still allot lower than normal, and I do have times when I start feeling tired and run down, and when they check it the neutrophils are low and the lympho is high. My one doctor that I had at one time was an internal medicine doctor but also a onocologist and he said that some people after they have had the Epstein Virus will just continue to have the lower neutrophil counts.
I do think it is good that your taking this seriously, and I think seeing a hematologist would be a good thing. She is young, and you really do need to find out for sure what is causing this if possible. Please keep us informed ........Good Luck to you!
White Beard
P.S. Shell I started writing this before you posted your last post I am a slow typer.