I had PINS syndrome which involves the motor branch of the same nerve-at the elbow.
So my outer two fingers were paralyzed but not numb.
I second the idea of OT/PT-in my case the hand specialist-and yes you NEED a hand specialist many won't do nerves, was a PT rather than an OT.
I went about 8 weeks without treatment with two hand surgeons doing the whole you must have surgery thing. I had read about the condition and decided that surgery could wait.
The neurologist agreed with me (have you had an EMG and nerve conduction test-if not go have those) agreed with me.
Therapy consisted of wearing a splint to stretch the tendons that were shorted due to the paralysed muscles, and doing all the things that made my hand hurt-obsessively. (don't do that unless a doc you trust tells you to).
My rhuematologist who I love recommended the surgeon and neurologist.
I never did need surgery, my range of motion is about 85% the constanct achy pain is gone.