I do think Holydiver that you should try to see a neurologist, or at least some type of doctor about
your problem with spasms. There are allot of things that could be causing this, but you definitely need to get it checked out!
I have had problems with muscle spasms for quite awhile now, I get them every where, hands, feet, neck, back and legs both thighs and calfs, they were terrible, the muscle would actually knot up, and it hurt so bad. I had tried many different typse of anti spasmodics, it wasn't till I got put on Baclofen that I finally got relief, and it was slow going at that, as my PM doctor had to slowly increase the dosage till it finally became effective. I take 30 mg every 8 hours. and for the most part have had very good luck with it!
I hope you get to see Doctor soon about your spasms, it really is something that you should not ignore or let go to long. Good Luck to You!
White Beard