Please allow me a mini-vent, I try not to take advantage of this option.
Today was a miserable day for me. Can't say any one thing triggered it, but felt that way from the moment I woke up.
For starters, it was still pouring rain. Rainy days and cloudy days send to trigger me into a negative mood, don't know why.
I woke up with lots of leg and hip pain, you would think I would be use to this by now, aside from hurting, it was annoying me that I was hurting so bad.
Everything I tried to do around the house turned into a disaster, even the simplest thing.
I had to go out in the rain to a legal meeting with my ex-boss. Usually he doesn't bug me, but he was in a real whinny mood, wanting to re-hash things over and over again from 5 years ago. I told him I was in a bad mood to begin with and didn't feel good. But that fell on deaf ears.
We went to lunch, lunch didn't agree, so had immediate stomach cramps.
Then I had to follow him in my car, in the rain, so he could drop his car off for repairs about 20 miles away, then I had to take him back to his office, then I drove home.
Laid down to take a nap, and couldn't rest, kept having stomach cramps and having to go to the bathroom.
Just felt depressed and overcome both about my cancer situation, the chronic pain, the bladder spasms, and this is rare for me, but suddenly felt like it was hopeless and that the rest of my life was pointless if all its going to be is suffering and just making it day by day.
When my wife got home from work, very tired, she wanted to lay down and rest with me, but the second she did, our youngest and his girlfriend popped in the door unannounced (usually wouldn't be a problem), so never did get a proper nap, and had to put on a happy face for their sake.
Perhaps it was just one bad day, hoping tomorrow will be better. I try hard to tough out all my issues, but sometimes, I still feel alone with them, and with little hope of any improvement, it's just hard sometimes.
There are times that I simply hate being me. Sorry, but I got it off my chest.