Saw the neuro today. He started with the B12 issue. My PCP wrote me for 1 shot a week for 4 weeks ,then one a week for 6 months. The neuro said today that I would likely be on the one shot amonth indefinitly. My body isn't making the adhesion element needed to hold B12. He said that the nerves that carry the message to produce this stuff have died, so I won't start making it again. So, once a month indefinitly.
He started by describing myMRI as a hot mess! In comparing the one from 2 years ago he noticed a significant amount of new arthritis. Somethig else he noted was that I had developed extensive stinosis. (the area that the nerve goes through is shrinking.) As the hole shrinks it pinches the nerve in it, eventually killing the nerve.
He started me on Cymbalta today (30mg/per day for a week then 60g/day from then on.)the Cymbalta is supposed to help he nerve pain and support my anti-depressant (Lexapro)
So now we have diagnosis and a treatment plan. Wish me luck! :)
Thanks for all of your support!