Chart the low neutrophils can be a problem, about
ten years ago I was diagnosed with low WBC's and high Lymphocytes at first they told me I had mononucleosis but my counts never came back up to normal, so they did just about
everything to find out what was going on, because my neutrophils would go down really low, and border on neutr
openia, they even did a bone marrow biopsy and they never could find out what was causing it. Even to this day now and then I have problems with it???? Anyway when my neutrophils count gets low they tell me to avoid crowds and being around people. Usually when it happens I feel really run down and sure enough when they do a blood test the WBCs are low. Hope they can find out what is causing yours to be out of whack!
I didn't think that the lumbar puncture was a definitive test for MS??? I know a high percentage of MS patients have a positive for their spinal fluid but not all of them do. Am I wrong about that? Did you have a positive MRI with spots? I know there is certain criteria that has to be met to get the MS diagnosis, I mean I hope you don't have it, but allot of people go quite awhile before finally getting diagnosed with it. Just hope you are not one of them!
Hang in there Chart, I am wishing you all the best!!!Your in my prayers!
White Beard