Hello there, I come in on and off and I had to say something about
this as well. I hate the ER. I had pneumonia at the end of July and was totally paranoid to go to the ER. This wasn't walking pneumonia either, it was a very bad, atypical presentation in both lungs. I was petrified to go to the ER,(I'd been seen at the urgent care and was progressively getting worse despite antibiotics.) but finally relented because I simply could not breathe and was exhausted. i was afraid to go into the ER because of the magic word, Oxycontin. I have gone so many times when I've had a severe flare and needed something, ANYTHING besides my normal pain meds to aleviate the pain (You know the point where enough is enough!) and the MINUTE I say Oxycontin, I am treated like total crap. I have gone in crying, shaking, BP elevated and had them treat me like a malingering drug addict. I hate the ER and while the said tips are generally good, if you are on something strong, as I am. You may as well suffer at home. My own personal way to deal is to take a hot bath or shower and a couple benedryl or Zzzquil and go to sleep. (I am not recommending this to anyone, as I am not a doctor.) There have been points when I'd rather die than go into an ER. I have been humiliated enough times and the sad part is, eventually, like the pneumonia, something is going to be serious and I will end up waiting too long, but even to that dramatic conclussion, it still seems better than being treated like a malingering addict.
P.S. I am NOT a drama queen, lol, but this is one subject that just pisses me off.