I had a SCS implanted 07/10 after the 48hr trial. went down hill from there after my 1st ck up, So many health issues; dry heaves, loss of weight, caused more pain turned off 12/10. called the mfg of implant to advise of all my health issues and the 70#'s generator caused pressure while sitting sleeping was the worst. went back to PM dr had my husband go in with me after I told all of the BAD health issues drs test he pulled another generator like look this one is better no I want SCS removed which was done 01/13. if you are already having issues during the trial surgery implant. I have Nerve pain due to several back issues. My implant was for my damaged femoral nerve. the past 3yrs the left side of my body like my nerves are on steroids over active be there then gone to another place. you need to consider ALL your health issues. I have HSV II which is a reason I was not a good candidate for the SCS. Also there have been several others that have had them removed by my PM.