Mike I know it seems this will never end but I can assure you it will. The only question now is in how long? The best case scenario is you have a Dr well versed in opiate conversion and an understanding of methadones half life, the worst is you dont and this drags on much longer then necessary.
Your really doing great. You've been on methadone much like me at least a decade! Laying it downs not going to be a walk in the park and it took me years just to get from 60mgs to 40 and on down.
I feel so much better off Mike. There were so many physical things happening in the last few years that I actually believed at 55 my life was nearing an end. The worst part of those thoughts were I didnt care!! I had come not to care about
much of anything really..
The methadone at some point in that journey took away everything that I enjoyed. I just went thru the motions of existence and found very little pleasure.
I had good pain control but for what price? I wasn't willing to pay that price anymore and at least if I was in pain I was feeling something!
I've used a website conversion table for years, its actually one that many Drs I've worked with use. Im not usually sharing this as too many abusers and users go to it to figure out how much is too much and end up killing themselves because they dont undertreated opiate tolerant?
I want you to use it since it gives you a print option, its sponsored by a site Drs will respect and hopefully your Dr will use it as a tool to get you on the right medicine at the correct dose.
Also wanted to remind you to continue to eat and drink healthy, this is important when it comes to the cramping toes, and twitching muscles. Drink plenty too!
Good luck and please remember as Tina said on your other thread that your Dr works for you. Your paying him to provide you with adequate care and only you can determine if your not getting your money's worth.