I have been on Lyrica, Palexia, Norvalgin, Morphine patches now on Oxycodone. None help me completely. They make me sick in my stomach, make me agitated, I get spinning feeling and want to sleep all the time, anxious and sometimes such bad nausea that I cant even eat. I am often experiencing depression as a result of the pains. Why don't people believe you when you say you are in pain and it just wont go away?
How could a person in chronic pain with tingling, numbness and burning stabbing paints shooting up and down your body work? Why does the SSA look at pain patients are if they are fibbing? Why do friends or relatives think its all in your head when its in your body?
I always tell my numerous doctors I am in pain, they want me to measure it, well how can I? Most of my pains on a daily basis are neuropathic pains and are really awful. I type now but lord only knows I shouldn't. But how else would I communicate with the outside world? MY PT helps for a little while but it does not last long. I have been in PT since my 2003 for Cervical stenosis and nothing really helps.
Why is chronic pain looked at as a make up thing? I am sure many of you can relate to this thread and hope I can get some input. Thanks and I am new here.