Posted 5/13/2014 1:54 AM (GMT 0)
Yes I have been denied by my Medicare RX for subsys, fentona, lolipops, Lazanda. Like evry on here I have intense chronic pain, on Fentanyl patches, opana's er, opana's ir. My doctor will not give me a extra patch like a 25 mcg/hr patch do not know why, other extra ir pills, though he was willing to do the spray, I do not know if I can ask this here, I want to ask Iloveoliver, you said your medicare RX pays for your Fentanyl rx, could you email me the name of your company so I can apply for it during the annual enrollment period. Because I was born with a torn diaphragm it caused my organs to move high into my chest and caused major deformities,and speech and physical diabilities and 2 hip replacements that need to be over 23 years ago)replaced again(, but under obama care my hips do not meet the requirements y)Yet I have to wait till my leg breaks before they can do anything, eech.
Even though I can not walk 3 days a week,touch the sides of my hipbecause of intense pain, have fibro, a tumor at T12-L1, RA throughout body, herniated disks small tear in left shoulder muscle, DDD, MS and more, for the last 8 years, my body is becoming tolerate to opiods. MY Doctor is good on trying to get approval, but yet strange in other areas. Because of IBS and other stomach problems I do not absorb most pills to their ful power, and asked for liquid oxycodone,said no, tried compounding, nearest is 1 1/2 hours away.So I am trying to figure out what else I can do.(have done PT, went to a place to see about the device that sends electrical shocks to your brain when it senses pain) but because of my back the way it is shaped, prevents me from getting one, or even a pain pump. I am sorry if this should not have been posted here