Good morning. Today, 3rd session, I'm supposed to get actual aqua PT. Doc wants me to get it in the morning when pain is the worse, but they don't
open the pool until 11.
1st session was just measuring ROM and giving me some exercises that haven't worked in 9 months. Room is cold, so I'm wearing sweats after this one. Cold workout is bad.
2nd session was the exercises - I only do 3 of each because they don't help, just hurt - and then big male therapist (good one) crushing little old grandma with stretches. The neck massage is still hurting, since Friday. I need passive stretches because I can't do effective ones myself. They hurt but are effective in tearing the myosin fibers to counteract the shortening I am getting from my condition. I'll ask whomever I get today, hopefully same guy, to just ease up a little so I don't hurt when I come in of Wed. Twice a week is maximum for me.