This is my story. I have cervical dystonia,spinal stenosis,complete hysterectomy, thyroid & pituitary insufficiency, pernicious anemia, degenerative disc disease, migraines, had hysterectomy, spleenectomy, hypoglycemia, TMJ surgery, osteoarthritis, cysts removed from breasts & ovaries, pancreatitis, anxiety d/o, panic attack d/o, major depression, PTSD, had over 30 surgeries, brain hemorrhage, fibromyalgia, afib, chronic fatigue. In last 5 months had 6 surgeries. I lost to 84 lbs & had feeding tube put in, intestinal blockage rupture, went into respiratory failure, del pneumonia, became septic, on ventilator in ICU, blood clot in jugular, broken both wrists a week apart, a lot of falls, broken hip, esophageal rupture, paralyzed L vocal cord & tongue, surgery for that, dislocated jaw, still have 4th feeding tube in. Home now from physical rehab. So afraid I'll get sick again or fall. Took all my money for these. Will have to file bankruptcy. Daily basis awful terrible pain & nausea, fatigue. Please talk to me.