Quincy your right! Rightly or Wrongly, cancer patients with pain are usually treated much differently than the regular CP'ers! I say this with the experience of working on as an RN on a hospital Onco Unit. and then being treated a a CP patient do to back problems! Initially I was lucky in the fact that my PCP was an internal medicine doctor but also a Oncologist! Infact He was a doctor on the Oncology unit I worked on! I have often said that ( on the whole) I think Oncologist make the best doctors to treat pain! For the most part they are among the few doctors who really understand what pain is and how it affects people, and are not afraide to treat it!
I would agree pain is pain no matter what the cause, but when it is connected with cancer, that changes things in allot of peoples minds! It is like cancer patients have a legitiment right to have pain, and......well.......you know where the rest of us stand. But if your lucky enough to have a doctor that is an Oncologist, ( even if you don't have cancer) then maybe your pain treatmen will be treated legitimently! Mine was! That is until my doctor was promoted to head of the Oncology Unit, and was no longer able to see any other patients except cancer patients! It was a rough road for a while till I got a really good PM Doc!
Maybe it is because Oncologist see so many patients that are in severe pain, make no mistake, allot of cancers can be extremely painful! These doctors deal with it day in and day out! They also get to know their patients allot more intimately, as they often see them more frequently and in some cases see them to the very end! So many other doctors in other areas of medicine do not have this relationship with their patients, and do not have the experience dealing with patients in severe pain. I am not making excuses for them, it just seem to be the way it is! And of course it is us the CP patients that suffer because of it!
Good topic Quincy! Just my thoughts about it!
White Beard