This might be a long one,so go to the bathroom,grab a snack and a drink ! I am so frustrated with workmen comp ,,my employer and my Dr. I seen my Dr 2 weeks ago and he told me to stay off work for another 6 weeks. That takes me to thanksgiving. I guess my employer didnt like that so they took it upon themselves to contact my Dr saying we had a discussion and they have office work for me 2-4 hours a Dr signed off on it saying i could go back to work.Dr assumed i was ok with this without consulting me. Ticked me off there.mind you,i never had this conversation with my employer. So i call the Dr and of course get his nurse calling me back. I explained i didnt understand how when i was in the office and told him all the pain im still having and he said about
more pt and off work for 6 more weeks, how he could sign that paper. I asked her what i am to do about
this pain and she said to take valium. The Dr doesnt want me on narcotics for some reason.i was taking 3 a day and was able to at least function. Now i haven't had any pain meds for two weeks. So i call the Dr again and his nurse calls me back again....she said dr said to take advil .....really! ? I told her i wasnt calling to ask for advil , i wanted to know what we are doing about
this pain in my shoulders, arm,hand and now that is going down my t-spine. Advil is the freaking answer! ? Other then going to another Dr.. ..which probably won't want to treat me because im still new from the surgery. ..what am i to do ? When is it time to look at maybe nerve damage, another mri,or to really address this pain.? This dr seems to me
Did his job with surgery and now doesnt want to address anything else. I AM IN PAIN. Is what i want to scream at him. I am one that has a high tolerance for pain and can usually tough it out. This has me an emotional mess
Crying and pacing at all hours of the day and night. Is it reasonable for me to seek another Dr? Thanks for listening and if i could turn back time. I dont think i would have had the surgery.