Okay...so I go to a new doctor..as my last one was ripping off my insurance..and put me through hell. After MORE xray's, he decides he also wants to do an MRI of my hip..an EMG(?), PT and more stuff. I figure okay, lets give it a try. Maybe he knows whats what. My other doctor was giving me Percocet 10/325. Now that did take the edge off the pain so i could actually do things during the day, (light cleaning up around here, cook and actually get a few hours sleep at night or when I could). This new doctor gave me Percocet 2 1/2 /325. I went to over 8 different drug stores, no one had it. They all said the same thing, thats the lowest dose that can be given and no doctor perscribes it. So after the 8 stores, I was getting very angry as it hurts me to sit in the car and drive around that long. I call the doctor back and asked if he could just switch it to something else that I would be able to get. He told me 'no' and I had to keep looking for drug stores until I found one that had it. Needless to say I was furious, so I called my neurologist and told her what he did...she gave me Hydrocodone 7.5-750 TAMCK, whatever that is. Anyway it seems to help.
Time to call the doc in the city and make an appointment with him. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired of being treated like crap by these doctors.