I am a RN and the difference between the norco and lortab are as follows. Norco and Lortab are both Brand Names for the Compounds :
Hydrocodone (Narcotic/Opiate) / Acetaminophen (NSAID/Tylenol).
Lortab is 7.5mg Hydrocodone / 500mg Acetaminophen
Norco is 10mg Hydrocodone / 325mg Acetaminophen
Most docs will usuallys switch to Norco overtime because it has less Acetaminophen which is a NSAID(Non-Steriodal Anti-inflammatory Drug) and it has more of the Narcotic/Opiate - Hydrocodone. The Acetaminophen is harmful to the Liver if taken daily at high doses, that is the benifit to the Norco. Opiates taken longterm or daily as prescribed do not do much harm to the body physically except cause youre body/brain to become used to it and then your brain needs more to keep the pain down, whereas when you started you only took smaller doses.
The usual max dose of Norco daily is 12 tablets because that reaches the maximum Acetaminophen Daily Dose for an Adult.
I am a 36y/o male 6'4" 310lbs and been dealing with chronic pain for 14yrs now. All I can say is it is tough. When I was on huge amounts of Oxycontin and Norco I could function, Work, Go out with my Wife, but I had constant Withdrawal Symptoms, But I could live a normal Life. Now I am only on Methadone 30mg BID and I have had 8 jobs in last 2yrs, can't keep them d/t pain, I can't go out with my wife, so she is constantly frustrated with me, and I feel as though there is no reason to keep on going as I can't live normally anymore, and I am tired of the pain. Unfortunately, I know it is wrong for me, but along with my Neurontin, Skelaxin, Methadone, Ativan, Celebrex and assort of Anti-depressent/Allergy/BP meds I still take 800mg Ibuprofen 3xday and 1500mg Tylenol 2-4xday. Fortunatly I am a big person and my Liver/Kidneys are doing fine.
My wife is pressuring me to find a doc to put me back on Oxycontin/Norco/Soma again so I can function, but I just don't know. I would love to live again normally, except for hot/cold flashes, but I just don't know.
What is lousy though is I had to put my nursing license on Retired Status at 24y/o b/c I am on so many meds I felt it unethical to practice nursing, and I knew the consequences if I did work even per our state board you can work while on the meds if your physician feels your are able to function unimpaired and you have valid prescriptions.
Anyway, Enough of my rambling, you got your answer up top, but if feels good to vent. I just signed up Last Night to the Forum, I used to be on the forum long time ago, but forgot my info and lost track over the years.
I hope I did not waste your time reading this.