oh, yes! i second (and third) what everyone else has said. i have a double whammy: i have bi-polar disorder as well as cp. both sets of meds cause loopiness. about
a week ago i was in terrible breakthrough pain. ok, that's why the pdoc rxed morphine. so i took one. then i laid down. i hurt so badly that i fell out of bed because i was twisting and turning so much. i reached over and took another - yes, one of those. at about
3:00 am, i woke up in tgerrible pain so, not remembering that i had even had one morphine, i took what was, in fact, a third.
My wife asked me about my meds. I told her what had happened and told her that I had taken a morphine. "no," she sai8df, "you took at least three. i watched you." i turned my meds over to her. i can't deal with thi9s and i really don't want to die right now.
and a painfree week to all of us.