Hey Whats Up H.W.,
I have had the loss of taste,winning,loosing.competition,and basicaly the point of my house that needs fixer uprrs all over the place in or out.I just dont care like I did before when I had time and money to play musical barns or musical garages along with a reltively new highlanderut know matter whop much I try and wish that could be me I just dont think that one miracle cut or procedure is going to cut it full time.My dct V. Hung from the Dellon Institute for Technology is the best of the best and definatly should have been introduced beforethe point of nerve stimulation opreratoin. At the Pain Management at the beth isreal Might have saved over 50.000.000 in costs that failed dramatically.
I dont thimk I have ever had a doctor not giving it 110% for my problrm, but my problem is way beyond the regular doctors capability. Thats why we see specialists.
Probably made no sence but i guess i feel better!!!!!!!!!!
Have A Pain Free Day