My current dilemma...
I'm looking for opinions on this subject:
I was in a serious Motor Vehicle Accident in October 2006 which prevented me from working for 5 months. I recoved from my 'main' injuries (broken bones) and was able to walk again, etc., so returned to work... but then started falling apart again late last year, and have been off work again since the very beginning of February. Some unresolved injuries (which have NEVER showed up on tests such as MRI, etc.) and chronic pain were wearing on me, and making me depressed, tired, and frustrated to the point which made it difficult to get out of bed some days. Now, I'm back to working with a physiotherapist who believes she can resolve some (most? all?) of my pain issues and suggested I stay off work for another 2 months.
Of course, having missed so much work to date, I'm feeling very hard on myself, and even my family doctor has become frustrated with me and thinks that I should be working right now. Seems as though some people think I'm taking advantage of the system... and that really I should be thankful I'm doing better and that I should be going back to work. I have completely mixed feelings.
How realistic is it to work part or full time when you are in discomfort and pain (most) of the time, and your working conditions seem to aggrevate your symptoms? How do you know when you're ready to TRY AGAIN?
I'm confused, and sad.
All comments appreciated.