Hi Everyone!
Yesterday, I remember a post about why some of us get bad side-effects to meds & others of us don't, etc. I posted that I read somewhere that now they think there is a genetic basis for these reactions: you're either a PM, or poor metabolizer or a Um, an ultra metabolizer...but I couldn't locate the article.
Chutz, if this is premissible, there is a good link from the Mayo Clinic site to this explanation. If you go to the Mayo Clinic website @ www.mayoclinic.com and type "personalized medicine" in the upper-right hand search box, you'll get a search result (it's the 1st choice on the list) entitled "Personalized Medicine: Tailoring Treatment to Your Genetic Profile.
I found it fascinating! I get sick from almost everything (I can't even take some OTC's!) yet other people I know can take just about whatever they're RX'd...
Interesting reading on a rainy, dreary day like this.
Hope this OK to post---I'm not reccm'ding anything---just an interesting article on why some of us are "reduced" to Advil for everything!
Thank you!
~Lakeside -- inside, as it's foggy & raining & yucky today!