I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for these questions but here goes - maybe somebody will be able to help me
On June 10th I have an appt to see a neurologist. I have already been thru the gamut of docs trying to find the root cause of my back pain so the neurologist is my next stop. I have 3 twisted vertebrae - 1 thoracic and 2 lumbar so this may be the cause of my back pain but no doc has said so. The thoracic one is the most troublesome at the moment. It clicks back into place several times a day and my back ends up a painful mess. My lumbar of course is giving me grief but so far, no one can tell me why. I've already had xrays and MRI with and without contrast.
So is there anything else you can recommend I ask the doc (other then the obvious history)? I don't know if this is arthritis related or just a bad back. I've already seen a rhuemy and had several blood tests all of which came back negative.