I can understand that completely, I also need to give heed to my thoughts as well, if not they eat at me and make things worse for me and what you go through and others and myslef is not walk in the park and it does wear at you emotionaly. I dont judge you or anyone at all...
I know what I go through is nothing compared to alot of you all and I cant imagine how you all deal with the day to day stuggles of it all and my heart aches for you palady as well the others and myself.
Think I will start a thread but not tonight as m tired as well just cant sleep but mind is in a fog.
Im so glad you went Palady I so hate that you are so alone, even if it was just for a bit...
I can understand about working as for myself I have only managed to work 3 days tops and im usu so sore and in so much pain at the end of those 3 days. ..I so hate the nights though as I cant sleep even though Im so tired.
Hope you sleep well and dream wonderful dreams tonight Palady, without our dreams what hope would there be?
Take care