Oh Lord!
Thank heavans I found this web site.....
I am going to print it out and show it to my Pharmacy who tells me that I am the only on that has probs with the patch sticking !
I am on Robaxin 100mcg Fentanyl Patch for badly degenerated lower back disc.
Right from the onset I got terrific pain relief,but I had this problem with night sweats which invariably caused the patch to come off,and on more than a few occassions actually got woken up by withdrawl symptoms
The Patch would end upsomewhere in the bed,totally unusable, so I would apply another patch. I have a terrific Doc that would bring forward my new prescription in order to avoid a shortfall and I am very lucky to have a good drug plan that covers the cost.
Problem occurred when my Dr was on vacation and the shortfall could not be filled by him.I went to the local ER with a copy of my prescription and was told "NO WAY,BUDDY! We get people like you in here all the time with these scams.....go to your dealer or whoever you get your drugs from!"
The contemp was amazing,as well as the problem that if you go to a couple more hospitals to try to get an Rx they really do think your out for a fix
Finally took a note from my pharmacy to a fourth hospital,by which time I was in heavy withdrawl were I was rushed in for the night and put on an I.V. and the pharamacy was faxed for a new perscription.
I really cannot emphasise the horror of withdrawal.
The company denied any problems with the patch sticking!
Now I have changed to Janssen patchs of the same strength, but I find I am starting to get bad withdrawal after only a day on these patches.....
I want off these things so badly, they terrify me and seem to be so unpredictable,and after two years I am finding the pain relief from them has been significantly reduced.
I would rather have the back pain than the chance of withdrawal again !