Hey All,
You know the old saying, "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck well it must be a duck"? I went back to my Primary Care Dr. about getting blood work done and also with the definite idea that I had a bladder infection. I mean all the symptoms, ladies you know what I mean. The burning and constant urge is dreadful. Well the Dr. did a test while I was in the office and lo and behold no bladder infection. I was amazed. I was running a fever and having chills on top of the other symptoms. So any one have any ideas for an alternative diagnosis? My Dr. ordered blood work and more urinalysis's' plus back x rays and and MRI to check on the osteomyelitis and I got my pain meds up to date, so that is one less worry but I am really stumped on this bladder infection thing. What else could it possibly be? It's also not a Urinary Tract infection, they tested for that too.
I'm so confused at this point and getting so frustrated. Oh and of course bloody uncomfortable as well. I'd appreciate any advice or possible diagnosis' from any one.
All the best to everyone for a LPD! Hope to hear from any one that has any ideas.
Thanks for listening, as usual and by the way this is kind of a carry over from posts I was making on the Pain Pump Thread but I'm getting desperate here so I thought I might try a new Thread.