Hi, I was unaware that a forum like this even exsisted but it seems like a good place to air your problems and get support. i've had several knee surgeries and have been on/off pain meds for to long. I guess I've gone thorugh this before but I dont wanna deal with it again. This time I was up to 60mg or so a day, hard to believe a doctor would even allow that to happen. I'm down to about 30mg a day and feel like its the last leg of my efforts. I'm wondering if i stop tomorrow cold turkey how many days im going to be sweating like crazy and have to stay inside to just get it over with. Is there any cheap remedies I can get locally discluding zoboxin or any prescription withdrawel med?? I guess I just need to be assured and thats the reason I decided to write here. It's hard to ask/tell a girlfriend or brother who knows me to well for suppport without worring them about me. Thanks for listening.
-not so sublime