Dear Draka,
Good afternoon. *hugg* it is good to see you again. I hope you are able to find a little releif today. I am so dependant on my injection series it scares me. I really hope it works for you. Please keep us updated with how you are feeling
I read your post.... This is a subject that is very tender to my heart. I have a hard time understanding why I lost so many people that I held so dear. I do not have "family" (Mom, dad, siblings etc) . Though I have built my own family (my children & Husband). I have a friend that I met a few years ago, over the internet that I will be meeting next spring. Though how one travels in with medical conditions, i do not know....!!off track!! That is not to say that I didnt, just a few years ago, have many friends over many years. I did. I showed them at every oppertunity that I would always be there, I will always be strength when needed, I would never let them down. That I loved them all very much. I saw them through cancer, aids, trauma, death, life. I gladly took on all that was needed to help those I love to "survive & live".
Then I got sick... I didnt (and still don't!!!!!!) know what was wrong with me. My husbands family, my "Friends" both online and here, all openly rediculed me (a few things said ~~>"Oh is it snowing OUTSIDE??" "can you tell differance SWEETIE?!" "Can't you just do whatever needs to be done and be indifferant about it?" "Is it really that bad?" "Your stupid if you are really having that kind of trouble and not MAKING the doctors fix it." "I have Idopatic scoliosis you don't have scoliosis you don't know what your talking about." "You arnt in THAT much pain, whats wrong with you" "You cant be in that muc pain if you are going to a pain psychologist.. I mean, its all in your head right? Your not in in PHYSICAL pain are you?" "Well, whats that lamaze thing you do sweetie, yea just do that." ) about !! ~~~~> my loss of vision, my loss of hearing, my "back" problems, my extreme fatigue, then my curves, my walk, my weight loss, my memory problems, and EVEN MY TOOTH LOSS!!! No kidding. Over things I had absolutly No control over what so ever. And through it all, I still!! Have not let anyone down and do not ask for help except from A. doctors B. Insurance company & Hospital. That is it. All while still to this day being openly riducled. openLY. Over things I have no control over.
Can you imagine what kind of karma awaits them? *shivers* I no pure soul mind you.. So I would just LOVE to be there at the oppertune time in all their lives, just to say," OooOO Sorry bout your luck!" And a nice cheery *WAVE* as I walk away.
How do your friends and family treat you?
My husband and my daughters love me very much. So does a very dear friend in california, who I cant wait to meet her!! My husbands long time friend watches the girls during my procedures. Help from 2 very unexpected sources... I would never have guessed in a million years that it would turn out this way.
I hope I stayed on topic. Im riding the pain ladder (normal, no worries, almost injection time) I hope I kinda answered your question thou.
Hang in there. I know it is hard *warm huggs* It is time to be yourown best friend. Love youself, care for yourself. Go out of your way to be friends with yourself, if that makes any sense. The rest will..... fall into place.