Hey Chart!
*huggs* My old boy Bubba didnt like out new little edition either.....*looks behind me* Now they are like two peas in a pod. Though I suggest you get some "Bitter Apple" is you havnt already. I could have fainted when my cute little ball of fuzz tore up my brand new second hand dining set.. Next time we go out of town, imma let the dog lovers next door baby sit her...
Hey! Your new med combo sound promising. Literally sounds like just what you needed. I sure do hope it works. I have to have multiple ares done aswell now. So, now I just give myself a whole day to be lazy. Maybe you will need to play lazy day too.
I dont know why I get so jelous when someone mentions RF burns? Ugly little jelousy bugg!
He he okay, ill stopp chattin your ears off. Keep us posted on little Dimitri
*warm huggs*