I am new to this forum. I was hoping to get some advice from those of you who take Neurotin. I was just prescribed it for sciata nerve pain. My PCP
told me to start by taking 3 100 mg at night before bed and increase up to 300mg 2x a day. I took my first dose on friday night and had no problems except a little headache and tiredness the next the day. I had a migraine when I went to bed last night and took the 300mg again. A couple of hours afterwards I was really nauseous. It got worse as the night when on. I had taken a darvocet thinking that would help the headache pain but wondering if it contributed to the nausea? I could not sleep all night as I was so sick. Eventually I did thow up which helped some. It was really 12 hours after I took the neurotin the nausea went away.
Is this something that will go away as I continue taking it? I personally want to stop as I don't want to go through another night like that.
Any advice would be helpful. My dr said we could try Lyrica or Cymbulta if neurotin doesn't work.
I also have Lupus and take cellcept and plaquiel for that.
Thank you,