the last 2 days I have experienced the most awful pain I have ever experienced so far in my life.
I do not know how I am making it through, and I dont know what is on the other side.
I had my knee aspirated and all hell broke loose in my body. It is like all the Lyme and fibro got angry and decided to attack all at once. I have been in bed for 3 days staight.
I have not been to move because of the pain . I noted that even my fingernails hurt! I also have a fever (going down now) nausea and twitching. I should have went to the ER, but that is one of places i really try to avoid.
I have a 50 mcg fent patch on and 15 mg oxycodone while this was happening. i thought the patch was going to be the med for me. Now I wonder if there is any pain medicine that will help me? is there a stronger oral med to have when these severe crisis happen to use in addition to a patch"?
I can call my pcp in the am and let him know what happened and see if he can fix me up. meanwhile I am going to have to reschedule my cervical inj that were supposed to be tuesday. See pain doc Friday.
thanks for letting me vent this has been truley awful.