Good evening Potsie
My name is Dani. It is a pleasure to meet you. Your introduction post is rather short, so if you dont mind my asking.... What kind of back problems do you have?
I don't know much about medicine "addiction"...well, not in the "taking more than perscribed" area. I do have meds that, when it is time, they will be slowly decreased. Some of them taking upwords of 2 months to get to desired dose. Others only a month and half. Who knows? Perpahs the decrease will take as long as the increase did?
So... I suppose what I am trying to say, is that...well, I think only a medical professional can tell you why it took so long. Ive never met the same person twice, so I imagine that each persons experiences would differ greatly aswell.
Sorry I am not much help in the area that you have questions. Perhaps someone with more knowladge in this subject will stopp by. Reguardless! Welcome to the Healing Well Community