Thanks so much, everyone, for your replies! I appreciate your input and your good helps to get someone else's perspective on things. I have this really bad problem with brain fog anyway, and when I'm in severe pain my brain almost totally shuts down (at least it seems that way!).
I was ONLY thinking about
pain pills when I started this post, but when straydog said "whatever it takes to calm it down" suddenly I remembered (DUH!!) that I had other options. And of course the rest of you reminded me of the same TENS unit, hot packs or ice, etc., etc.....WHY is it so hard to think clearly?
I've had a talk with my husband and asked him to help me remember ALL of my options for pain relief when I'm really in trouble with pain....and I should make a list and tape it on the bathroom mirror!
I have fibro and other issues; feels like my IQ has dropped 30 points at least in the past 6 months.
I'm feeling a bit better today (used the TENS unit and some heat on my lower back).
Hydrangea, I've been having really severe pain in the right upper quadrant (RUQ) of the abdomen. I have autoimmune hepatitis and my gallbladder was removed in 1992, but it feels just like gallbladder pain; sharp RUQ pain radiating to the right shoulder. I was in the hospital 2 days last week because it became unbearable. They put me on morphine (which barely touched the pain), did multiple blood tests, an ultrasound and a CT scan and found nothing.
The current working theory is that it was "capsulitis"; the capsule is outer skin of the liver, and sometimes it can cause pain if the liver swells and stretches it a bit. I don't know why my liver would be swelling (!?), but they didn't seem to be too worried because my liver enzymes and other markers were OK.
Thanks again to all of you for your support and encouragement!