Welcome to this wonderfull forum. The people here are amazing and through experience I can tell you support one another through every trying, turmoil going on in each others lives. I am so sorry that you have to be a memeber though. It is not a fun club to be a memeber of.
I agree with Chutz...any number of hobbies can definetly pass the time and help to distract you from the pain. Exercise helps as well, I hear. haha! I haven't gotten to that point yet but am looking forward to joining somewhere that has water aerobic. I know it will help with my added baby fat, release those pain fighting indorphines, and help with the pain levels..and hopefully by the end of the month will have the extra money(if there is such a thing) to be able to join. I am also seeing a new Rhuemy Friday so I hope to get my pain meds. worked out so they can begin to help me. Those are just a few things that are helping or will be in the near future. i am so sorry you are having all the pain and hope that maybe you can speak with your Dr.'s to get your pain under control. Good luck and post or vent often. We are all here for you. Heather