Hello. I have psoriatic arthritis (like rheumotiod) and
hoshimoto's disease (immune system attacks thyroid).
I have had psor. arthritis for over 5 years and take Enbrel.
For the most part, it has been under control. I was recently
diagnosed with the thyroid disease and started Synthroid.
Lately, I have been experiencing extreme aches and pains.
I went to my rhuemotoligist who said my blood levels were
fine and he did not know what was wrong. So, i went to
my primary and ran a bunch of blood tests. That is when I
Found out about the thyroid disease. Today, i could not take
it anymore and went to a walk-in dr's office. The dr. was
cold and seemed to know very little about my illnesses.
He gave me a shot - a pain killer and sent me home with
pain meds. My fiance is a wonderful guy who - for the most
part - is very patient with me. Lately, I think he has had
enough. I feel very alone and have been depressed lately.
I am calling my dr. on Tuesday to get another apt. I just
want some answers. I have been taking short walks when
I can because I was told it would help loosen my muscles.
They are not working and sometimes cause more pain.
Does anyone have any suggestions???