So glad to hear from you my sweet little Buttercup. What is your real name hon?
Gosh you have been thru so much but I am glad they have found out it is e coli in your system. Wow!! So it's been there for a while eh. I was wondering if you should be in the hospital and getting IV antibiotics and Iv solution to hydrate you. Also it seems that you need a close watch as well with the ecoli in your blood, you could become toxic quickly if this has been in your system, and also to watch your SVT's. I would get an opinion from a cardiologist about this getting fixed you don't want to damage your heart as you are so young. Is there a children's hospital where you live that you could be admitted to? Where do you live?
Will they let you take anything for the pain right now or are you only taking antibiotics?
Just want you to know I care about what is happening to you. Seems strange that this ecoli was missed long ago. There should be info you can read if you google e coli? Was it 0157 H7 that you have? hmmmm i can't remember the number, but anyways this is nothing to fool around with.
I am praying for you honey. Please come back soon to tell me how you are doing ok. When do you see the dr. again? I really think your case warrants being in the hospital. Too many compllications possible and e coli is a serious bacteria!! I don't mean to scare you but at least keep seeing your doctor regularly ok.
Love you