Thanks Michael and WB, I would love it to be gout, then it would be treatable but unfortunately its an inflammation of my extensor hallucis longus tendon as well as the other extensor tendons for my other toes. It makes it very painful to push off or climb stairs, I've had this for months but it was my overdoing it that has caused my feet to swell and for it to get so bad. Plus I have a zillion blood tests, so if it was gout they'd pick up the uric acid levels pretty quickly.
I've shown my rheumy when it was just sore and she has changed meds, I start the new ones next week. Got to wait for the old ones to leave the system. I've shown my physio since the blow up, who has told me to ice them and strap them up and the inevitable REST.
I mean how do you rest feet? I live in a house wth 2 major staircases and with 3 kids I find it impossible to rest them. I try.
I actually made an appointment for my GP tomorrow, I'm sort of hoping she can come up with some lateral thinking and find some sort of solution for me. I have my sons 15th birthday party this Saturday night. I'm dreading being on my feet for the night.
I just needed to rant really, I get so over dealing with different parts of my body letting me down. I mean I've been struggling with these stupid shoulders for about 3 months. I've had two shots to try and break down the calcium deposits and settle the bursa in them, the Norspan patches were working really well, I was chugging along nicely and then the feet go. Suddenly I feel like I'm not touching the pain in them at all. On the norspan patch when I take my codeine tablets they don't seem to do much, I think the norspan blocks it or something?
Maybe I'll ask to go back on the other patches and run the risk of migraines again. At least the BT meds work on them.
As you can tell, I'm just frustrated more than anything.Its a beautiful day here and I would love to go out for a walk, instead I'll have to sit in the sunshine with my feet up. For an active person like myself I don't like it. Maybe I need to learn to fish or something?
Thanks for your support, I have been only reading a lot lately rather than posting. I go through those phases plus the kids exam time in our household means computers are in short supply. I finish my term next week so then I'll be fancy free again!
Hope everyone is good today, golitho