Thank-You all for all your replieds!!! Well my fellow K of C member that is taking me to the hospital for the colonoscopy on friday the 12th called me up tonight, and confirmed the time, and then asked me about Monday and the surgery, I told him I didn't have a arrival time for the surgery yet, and he told me that he would also take me to the hospital,. and then to call him when I get released and he would come and get me too! He also lives out in my area, he is retired, any way I was really thank-full about him asking, he is super active in the church and always helping somebody! So it looks like I have that taken care of now.
Hey Pete I totally agree with you about not letting people know about the meds you are taking! I am really careful about that too! I will say one person that really understands about the pain, we just got a new parish priest in, he is an older gentleman actually he was retired, and the church asked him to come out of retirement and come and be the pastor at our small rural parish. He agreed, but he is in bad shape, as he has had several spinal fusions and he just went in for more epidurals last week, we often talk, as he know about back and spinal pain! Things are getting bad when they start having to pull the priest back out of retirement, even the ones on disability.
I don't know some times concerning the pain issues, I just think it would be best if people would just not say anything, we have a very small parish, heck I live in a very small rural area, and everyone knows about everyone. They all know that I am on disability, and all that, I guess I just get a little tired of hearing some of the comments like that.
golitho I am not at all sure what the requirements are going to be after the surgery, that is something I will be finding out in the coming days, whether I will have to have a home health care nurse come in and help me or what??? As I had mentioned before, I had made the mistake as allot of us suffering with chronic pain do, of isolating my self, and you must rember I have been on disability and suffering from chronic pain for a long time before coming to this forum, I was finally granted SSD in early Feb of 2002 and it took me over two years to get it. So I have had a long time to shut myself off from people. And that was a huge mistake on my part, I let my friends go by the way side, because I could nolonger do allot of the things with them that I use to, and I spent allot of time at home in my recliner in pain. It took a long time before I ever seen a Pain Doctor and finally was being treated properly for my pain! Anyway I have no family that is anywhere close, and as I isolated myself I kind of made my wifes friends and her family my friends and family. Which was fine, for a long time, but then the divorce, and well then all of it went away! And I found myself in a not so good of a spot, I take full responsibiliity for that, as it is my own fault, and we have talked about this subject at length in several threads last year that was started by fatherjohn. Anyway now the divorce is over and done with, and since the house is not sold I am still stuck here, it makes it difficult when something like this surgery comes up.
Chart I wish my daughters lived closer, but both of them lives close to five hundred miles away, my oldest daughter is the one who has not talked to me since we told them about the divorce. Anyway it is a touchy subject, after all I am the one that filed and up set the apple cart! Once the house sells , I can move out and I will hopefully leave this area, and can be closer to friends and or maybe family???
Anyway I do want to again Thank-you all for your concern and support, I really do appreciate it! You have all been there for me in some pretty difficult times, the disk fusion that I had in Sept of 09 and then all the support through the long and drawn divorce, and now this new and different surgery for me on the back of my neck.! Will it never end?........It does seem like the last year and a half has been just one thing after another! And you have all helped me and been there for me through it all!!! Is it any wonder why I consider you all my family???? I am not sure what I would have done with out all of you!
I will write more later and try to address each of you, But please do accept my thanks right now!
I do wish you all the best!
White Beard