Well it has been a busy couple of weeks! I have stayed up until 2 am since last week making truffles and candies. My body is screaming. Hopefully, my endocrinologist can fix the fainting problem (Inherited Hypoparathyroidism). That would be nice. Once he is done I can stop by my spine specialists about the new problems I am having. I am pretty sure I need new x-ray as soon as they can set it up. I am usually not in a hurry for those. I try hard to not complain. I am termed "Progressive" after all so pain is par for the course. But.. I am certain that I need x rays as soon as they can manage because something is happening in there and it isn't pretty. *sigh* My body just doesn't want to cooperate I don't think.
My daughters teacher called this morning and she needed last minute help with the Thanksgiving feast tomorrow. She needs desert and stuffing Apparently the women / mothers who were going to do it, backed out at the last minute. Which is fine. I finished with lollipops and candy bars early last week so I had the opportunity to make MANY batches of "flavored" chocolates (peppermint, cinnamon and crème de menthe). So, I will just take a few batches of those for desert and get up a little earlier than usual to make 3 batches of stuffing. My youngest little Bee isn't feeling well, so I might just have to go down to her class and drop off everything. I never had a chance to pick up one of those disposable serving trays as she got "sick" in the mid morning and my husband had to pick her up... So, my good ceramic buffet servers better come back without any damage
Other than that I need a day off. I think once all the candies and chocolates are made I am going take a day or two for myself before "wrapping party" to wrap / bag / foil the individual candies (the hardest part in my opinion). Boy this is gonna be a hard week. But, if I work hard, then I should be able to relax and enjoy my family for the rest of the holiday season. I am dying to make gingerbread town and sugar cookies with my little Bumblebees when the gift baskets and bags are all done. That is my motivation!