Hi you are right nobody wants to be on SSD but when you can't work because of medical problems what else can you do???, You have to be able to live and survive. The process can be very very discouraging but please do not give in and give up! When you have problems and get frustrated you know well that we are all here for you! I had a law firm hired by my disability insurance company and they specialized in SSD applications and it still took forever to get it approved! I was rejected and had to go before a judge twice before it was finally approved, and like my lawyer said it was my age and my job experience ( from my military days) that was working against me. He told me my medical case was outstanding, and I just needed just to be patient and persevere and I did and it was finally approved. So at the risk of sounding trite, please just hang in there, and you to will persevere and get it!
I wish you well! Good Luck to YOU
White Beard