My update again
I didnt eat or take meds different yesterday. Last night my right eye started to itch slightly and I lightlu scratched it. I went to bed at 9:00 after taking my morphine and when i woke up my right eye was swollen shut and it was swollen under the eye. It was red colored but not the white of my eye.
I called my PM doc and they said to call the pharmacist to see if I could take an antihistimine. they also said that they will have pm doc call me today. so I took my antihistimine after calling the pharmacist and 2 hours later the swelling is reduced and redness is faded somewhat. still slightly puffy and a light red still.
i keep checking the trunck of my body for a rash and nothing is abnormal there as of now.
PM doc still return my call and it has been 4 hours since I first called and then 1 1/2 hours later i called again.
I dont have pink eye no puss oozing from corner of eye.
What could have caused this reaction? What can I do for this reaction? Take more anthistimine when the time comes?
I started my kadian er last Wednesday. wouldnt i have a reaction to that med before this?
Looking to hear from family if you have any suggestions