Chartreux said...
Maybe you should call your daughter to see if she can take you to the er...
I think you should go there as then your doctor would have to help you.....
My daughter would love that, she is 13 and always asks me when I will teach her to drive.
My hubby went back to work this morning so I am alone. I was able to sleep for a few hours but now my head is ready to spin around in circles. I have been taking zofran but it isn't helping to much. My mother lives about
two hours away so I may call her to come up with me, but I can't count on that.
I will be fine, just need to make sure I don't hit the floor. If I had anyone around here I would call for a ride, I just have no friends or family. CP seems to do that to you. We don't talk to my only close relative since they owe us over 10k for past due rent, we are in the process of evicting them from a home we own.
The dr will just need to understand that due to this mess I am not rehabbing properly and am really going backwards since I can't even stand up now.