I am sorry for everything you have had to go through! And you have been through so much for being so young, depression is usually a part of having chronic pain, and it does sound like that is probably a majority of your problem. With chronic pain it is often common to with draw and isolate ones self, and it appears from what you have written that you are also doing that. krw135 I would encourage you to get help, counseling might really prove bennificial to you, it would definitely be worth trying. The main thing is,...Please, Please, Please, do not isolate yourself, you are way to young to do that, and in the future I am sure you will grow to regret it! I know from personal experience how isolating oneself can later on cause so many many more problems. If you have to force yourself to get out and be with your friends and do things with them, it will pay off many times over later on in life! I can not stress how important this is. No one is an island, and it is so easy to withdraw and isolate yourself and that is what you become, and island an all alone. Once that happens it is very very difficult to undo, not impossible but difficult none the less. When reading your post I worry about that happening to you!
Please keep posting here on the forum, you are a member of our family and we all care about you, I do wish you well krw135 and do hope that everything gets better for you!
White Beard