Spring is here in the United States! Here in Pennsylvania, we have had such a mild winter that my daffodils are blooming, my lillies show signs of buds, and the temps are in the high 60s to low 70s! The rabbits are out and about
eating everything they find, and the stray cats are having fun stalking them. The birds sing every morning, and the trees are in bud. Forsythia bushes are in full bloom, and the *****willows are soft and fuzz-covered. Spring has shown its lovely face all over our area. What about
where you live? And for those in Australia, what sort of weather are you having and have things been normal, above-normal, or below-normal for your season?
My husband has decided to help me get out of the house every day with either a walk for exercise, a slower stroll, or simply sitting outside in the sun. I have begun hanging all the loads of laundry outside on the clothes line, or having help on the bad days. Any energy we can save by using the clothes line helps. I love the way sun-dried sheets and towels smell.
My favorite part of spring by far is the visible change in our environment and plants. The flowers are lovely, the blooming trees and bushes still have the power to stop me in my tracks on a walk with their beauty. The change of grass from brown to green always amazed me, and the quickness that some plants show in growing reminds me of my sons' eagerness to be big kids when they were small. I love to garden, even in potted plants, and I am itching to get outside and work, but we are not going to this year. Why plant a large vegetable garden if we are moving from anytime between now and fall? We have friends who have offered their space for our vegetables and herbs, so I may take them up on that. We rarely have to buy vegetables in summer, and if I feel pretty good we preserve all we can through canning at home. I pray our new home had enough ground and sun that we can plant fruit trees as well as vegetable and flower gardens.
What is your favorite part of spring? Your favorite season? Do you garden and what do you grow if you do? What signs of changing seasons do you have in your part of the world right now?
I hope everyone has beautiful weather to enjoy today!