I have had a really hard time with my PM drs office over the last year. Its all office realted, prescript
ions not being ready after multiple calls, records not being sent, inaccurate insurance billing, calls not returned, office staff being rude and hanging up, andthe list could go on. I spoke to my PCP and they have been having the same problems with the office and have heard it from other pts. She recommends a dr which is about
an hour away.
My hestitancy is that my current office is close by and doesnt require me to come in monthly. They also have an office close to my work. I really think they just got to big to fast and didnt increase staff and they just cant handle it. The dr is ok, he has recently started forgetting what he plans each month, he says next month we will do this, then at the next month he wants o wait longer. Fairly frustrating when he has no explanation. The good thing is that he has a new PA that I really seemed to click with.
I would like to meet this new dr and get a feel for the office and their procedures before I burn my bridges with my current office but the scheduler wont make an appt unless you can provide a discharge letter from the first office. This is what I was told months ago when I called for general info. I am officially being reffered by my PCP. We are thinking I could just make an appointment without stating my current PM dr status, then of course once there explain the situation and make a descision. Of course absolutely not accepting a prescript
ion till I am formally dc'd from the first. This is my PCP's suggestion, so I do have her backing, even though its slightly deceptive.
In the long run with the SCS my goal is to decrease the need for meds. I am really thinking ahead I know, but realistically I think I should stay current on file with a PM dr no matter what happens. At one point my PCP was comfortable with prescribing here and there but over the last few years she said it is to risky for her, which I understand.
Maybe I am over thinking things, I dont know. As long as I dont accept a script
I am not breaching my current PM contract. Insurance allows me 2nd opinions as well, which is really what this is. If I like the dr and office I can then make the needed calls to get switched over making sure I have no lapses.
Am I worrying about
this to much? How have others switched PM drs without a lapse? Any suggestions?