Good morning everyone.
Came back from a three week camping vacation on Thurs. evening. Had a very relaxing holiday and i want to go back there now.
Had a little pool party on Sat. for the grandkids as their birthday's are Aug 10 and 30. That was fun. The weather was perfect and we sat outside all afternoon chatting and watching the kids play in their little swimming pools.
Sunday I just lazed around. Feeling tired. I was sleeping better when I was camping. I'm feeling out of sorts since being back from my camping. It was so easy at the campground, no worries, no stress, I just want to go back there in the worst way. It's like a big let down, you know when you prepare a year for your wedding and then in a day it's all done and there is that let down feeling. I don't know.............
Pain wise, while camping I was on average a 6 and now it seems to be up to 7, or so. I think the sun was very healing for my pain and if it was too hot i would float out in the lake on my floatie.
I've made a call in to the psychologist, she received my questionnaire i did in preparation for the ons surgery so i am waiting to hear back. I don't know why but i have been getting worrisome thoughts in my head about all this surgery, thinking about complications etc. i have to change my thinking.
I am making the big plunge and joining weight watchers. Despite going to the gym three times a week and juicing and eating better since jan. i have not been able to lose any weight. Hopefully this will do the trick. i have also taken myself off of one of my antidepressant's and half a dose on another so it leaves me with one other a/d. Those drugs always increase weight and also i know that cp affects your body in more ways than one. So here's hoping I am a bit slimmer by the time i go on my cruise the end of nov.
Might go and visit my mom this week as well.
Sorry, that was a bit long.
Hope everyone can have a good week.
Tina, I am glad to hear that you are having some lower pain days. That is a blessing girlie. Run with it.