...morning millymilan!
Sorry you are in that much pain and that the procedures are not helping much. I do have a question....what are the OTC supplements that you take and is B12 one of them? I saw a good show on it yesterday and Mrs. Scream and I are thinking about trying it.
I'm also curious about the patch you are using...wondering why two..instead of the 25mcg...and how often are you changing them out? I saw one of our new members changing them out every day...and it has sparked my interest...if it was done on a low dose. I have problems with the delivery system, and most all of it dumps within 32hrs or so.
The cost to the insurance company was not that much, and I believe they would approve it like this..and at a lower dose...I don't think there would be much risk involved. I could be wrong though...as I do not have that much experience with them. I was only on them for 3 months or so.
I'm like you and getting desperate for something that will give me some relief. So far, I have not had much luck with pain meds, and have also tried the nerve meds as well. It is a very tough road, and I sympathize with you, in that you are struggling to find something that works around the clock. It's just a horrible way to live for sure.
I think many of us keep holding on to some sort of hope...at least I do, and coming to grips with the fact that we may live in pain for the rest of our lives is very hard to do. I think about pain all day long...until I go to bed, and as soon as I wake up. My only relief from that mental struggle is watching a good Tv show or surfing the web for entertainment that helps to cancel out some of the pain and or reminder of my situation I live in.
Take care,