I have had daily tension headaches and anxiety for the last year or so progressively getting worse. I have been trying to make it to the gym at least a few days a week, have been getting medical massage and occasionally vising my physical therapist for head and neck pain. I also take 2mg xanax xr daily for my anxiety. I have taken many different medications used for the prevention of neurological pain and anti seizure meds but have either had no relief even at the maximum doses or have had VERY negative side effects. I have Had mri's cat scans, and even a spinal tap
. so far the only relief I have had is from the xanax but that is even still minimal and my psychiatrist is talking about
taking me off it within a few months. I was able to deal with the pain during the summer but this meant living a very sedentary lifestyle. Now that I am back in school the headaches are bad as ever again. I recently contacted my neurologist and primary care doctor to see if there is anything they can do but they will not prescribe any substance that have abuse properties or tolerance. I understand their hesitation but I haven't been able to find any other relief then opioid or muscle relaxers. I am afraid I am running out of options which is not helping my anxiety anymore. (edited). I feel like there is no hope at the moment and none of my doctors are being very supportive. dose anyone have any other suggestions on meds I could ask my doctors about
that might benefit me or other holistic approaches i could take to bring my pain level down?
Post Edited By Moderator (Momto8kids) : 9/14/2012 10:35:20 AM (GMT-6)