Good afternoon Debra!...and Welcome to the chronic pain forum!
...hum!...sounds like you need to switch Dr's or at least find a surgeon who will do the surgery for you with payment that your insurance allows.
We have a few here that have the SCS implant and some of them do fairly well with it,...however we have several members who wish they had not gone that route either.
While the trial can be successful, it does not mean that the permanent one will provide the same relief. It is my understanding that the leads are a bit different for the permanent one as opposed to the ones used in the trial.
I understand you not wanting to take pain meds, and I'm the same way. How many different pain meds have you tried? Have you tried Nucynta?...and the nerve meds like Cymbalta...Gabapentin...Lyrica?
Please feel free to use the search feature located here on our page, and I'm sure you will find quite a bit on the implants. I would also like to remind you that this is a chronic pain forum, and most of our members are here becuse treatmemt, ...being meds and or other, have not worked so well on them.
Support is very please consider making this your chronis pain support home. We will be happy to support and visit with you.
Chronic pain for us here will be a life long struggle, and we find that a person may have to adjust meds and other treatments more than we want to. Its a never ending battle, and we must realize that we sill suffer some sort of pain. Hopefully to a level that we can live with.
Good luck in your research,