When I travel I try to get a room with a recliner in it. But that is often difficult, and usually it is a deluxe room and cost more, so I often travel with a Sonoma outdoors oversized Antigravity chair, so when I rent a room I just bring in my chair and sleep in it. I find it fairly comfortable, allot more than trying to sleep in a normal bed! I have a foam pad that I have for it, and it works fine for me. I used to take along big foam wedges but they are not adjustable and they take up so much room. I think I need to get a RV or something with an adjustable bed in it!
Anyway when my youngest daughter got married for there wedding gift I brought them a really nice leather recliner, the one hitch was that when I go up to visit them, I have dibs on it while I am there, and that is my bed! I am not sure my son-inlaw appreciates it when I come up to visit, because he really does like that recliner! LOL
Vickie 99 is when I originally hurt my back and herniated and tore the disk at T12, it was then that I started sleeping in the recliner full time as I just could not lay flat. Physical Therapy had a fit about me sleeping in a recliner, but the surgeon, said that sleep was more important, and if that was the only way I could sleep then that was fine with him. He would not do surgery, so he said keeping me as comfortable as possible was the thing to do! Anyway after a number of years, they had a big bed sale at the new Denver Mattress Company store, so I got the bed and they had a host of different mattresses to pick from, my wife at the time picked out one type of mattress and I picked out another, they were slightly different thicknesses, so I just adjusted the height of the legs on the bed so they the top of the mattresses would be at the same level. Anyway I personally think it was the best purchase I have ever made! I would encourage anyone who has problems sleeping to check out the different types of adjustable beds.
White Beard